键盘侠|?意难平!美网友热议姚明生涯:若非伤病 他能统治NBA
时间:2025-03-14 18:22:45 出处:焦点阅读(143)
(点击上方关注键盘侠,键盘获悉更多有趣资讯 。侠意)近日,难平美国Reddit论坛上出现一篇《世上再无第二个姚明》的美网明生帖子,在这个帖子中,友热议姚涯美网友对姚明的非伤职业生涯、技术能力等各方面进行了讨论,统治全篇对姚明赞不绝口
,键盘如下是侠意部分美网友的评论。[–]Lakers [LAL] Austin ReavesMrAppleSpoink 611 points 16 hours agoHe’s the only ultra tall player ever that was both not a toothpick and could actually make it up and down the court. Fuck injuries man.湖人球迷:个子奇高无比却绝非细牙签儿身材 ,难平还能在球场上如鱼得水 ,美网明生这样的友热议姚涯超级大个子,除了姚明之外 ,非伤你把地球翻个底儿少天也找不出第二个人来!统治操他妈的键盘伤病啊
,哎![–]76ersDarnellCashMooney 3 points 9 hours agoand also happened to be incredibly skilled. his height/size and skill combo is one of a kind76人球迷: 而且技术好得一批,结合他的身高、体型以及技术
,姚明真的是万中无一。[–]reddit_reader_25 4 points 12 hours agoSigh unfortunately that is probably why he had the injuries.球迷:哎!很不幸这样的身材也许就是他容易受伤的原因…[–]stretch1327 13 points 11 hours agoAnd he used to play through the off season overseas as well. He would never rest球迷 :而且他曾经整个休赛期都要打国际比赛,根本没法儿得到休息![–]Rocketslolminna[S] 230 points 16 hours agoYeah before he went down you gotta admit he was giving that 09 Lakers team the fits.火箭球迷 :必须承认的是,2009年季后赛对阵湖人的系列赛,直到受伤倒下前
,缺席剩余系列赛 。缺少姚明的火箭队 ,仍然和湖人队战至抢七
,最终被湖人淘汰。湖人最终夺得09年总冠军。[–]Bullschitownbulls92 188 points 13 hours agoIt was so awesome to hear how Yao basically forced Shaq to respect him because Shaq thought he would be trash when he first got into the league公牛球迷:当年姚明用实力强行让奥尼尔心服口服的故事实在太精彩了 !要知道
,奥尼尔是看好姚明日后必成大垃圾的~(新秀赛季的姚明)[–][TOR] Amir JohnsonIanicRR 67 points 12 hours agoThe way Shaq racistly talked about Yao also added more to the fire when Yao showed up and more than held his own.猛龙球迷:当年奥尼尔略带种族主义的口气谈论初来乍到的姚明,突出一个火上浇油 ,差点没把自己给烫死。[–]Mhan00 14 points 7 hours agoWasn’t just Shaq. Iirc, Charles Barkley said on Inside the NBA that he would eat his hat if Yao ever scored twenty points in an nba game, and Yao did it in almost his first game, I think. I seem to remember a segment they had where Barkley started putting some ketchup on a hat in front of him, but he obviously never actually ate the hat.球迷:不止奥尼尔呢
,巴克利在往自己身前的帽子上挤番茄酱,当然他肯定没吃那顶帽子啦。[–]Bonje226c 14 points 6 hours agoBarkley had to kiss Kennys ass after losing the bet球迷:当时是说,要是打赌输了
,巴克利就得亲肯尼-史密斯的屁股…注 :当年巴克利打赌输了以后,没亲肯尼-史密斯的屁股
,但工作人员给一头驴挂上了肯尼的名字 ,最终巴克利亲了驴屁股。[–]Lakersder_ninong 1 point 4 hours agohe did it in his 2nd game or something湖人球迷:姚明好像在他的生涯第二场还是第几场比赛就拿到20分了。注
:实际上 ,姚明在生涯第八场
。(当时巴克利说只要姚明拿到19分 ,他就亲肯尼-史密斯的屁股)[–]kevinhu162 61 points 13 hours agoI wonder if Yao wouldve thrived in todays NBA. Back then, he was pressured to bulk up to 310 lbs, go up against other bigs in the post, compared to Shaq all the time, etc. when before coming to the NBA he could actually make shots and move quite well. Id argue his added weight put even more pressure on his legs and feet, and led to all the injuries that kept him sidelined and out of the playoffs conatantly.球迷:我很好奇要是姚明在当今联盟打球
,他是不是早就功成名就了?当年为了应付联盟其他内线 ,以及和奥尼尔对拼,他不得不增重到310磅(141公斤)。而早在进入NBA之前,姚明是有远投能力的
。(姚明在CBA时期的三分球)[–] RocketsMFxKool 51 points 10 hours agoHis commitment to the Chinese national basketball team didnt help either. He never really got to use off-seasons to let his body recover. The man was playing nonstop basketball and eventually wore his body out.火箭球迷:征战国家队比赛也对他造成了消耗 !姚明从来没有机会利用休赛期来恢复自己的身体 !一直在打比赛,根本没有停过
![–]Levi_Snackerman 25 points 8 hours agoHe didnt really have a choice. He would have been seen as a disgrace if he didnt play for the national team球迷:姚明别无选择 !如果不打国家队比赛,他会被人视做一个无耻叛徒的![–]asa091 2 points 4 hours agoHe should have just used the regular season to recover if he played today.球迷 :要是他在当今联盟打球,(以如今的比赛强度)他完全可以利用常规赛来恢复身体~[–]Trail BlazersGobbles15 41 points 10 hours agoOn a recent Lowe Post Windy was talking about how he was rushed back from injuries for mandatory China basketball duties — if he wasn’t Chinese and could properly recover and have off seasons the injuries might not have persisted even with his frame开拓者球迷 :在最近的Lowe Post播客节目中,Windy谈到过
,哪怕以他这样的身型,伤病也不会一直缠着他了。[–][LAL] Andre IngramPersianx6 13 points 8 hours agoIn todays NBA hed develop a 3 pointer and would need to be much leaner. I personally think hed do better but hed play less minutes. His free throws percentage was always good.湖人球迷:如果在当今联盟打球,姚明得练出一手三分球,还得瘦下来
![–]Documen5 1 point 6 hours agoBut when you are too skinny, you are prone to injury everywhere else球迷
。(去年霍姆格伦防守詹姆斯后受伤)[–]Lakersfrozteh 29 points 11 hours agoOn offense he would have been fine, Im just having a hard time seeing him adjust to playing defense in todays NBA湖人球迷:要是姚明在当今联盟打球,在进攻端我觉得他应该不会有问题,只不过在防守端,我很难想象他能不能适应得了。[–]Warriorstemp_achil 5 points 8 hours agohe was just 5-10 years too early.with steph-style core and balance training + pop-style load management, Yao could have won some rings.勇士球迷:可惜啊姚明只有5-10年的NBA生涯,退役得太早了~如果能得到库里那样的核心力量+平衡性训练,加上波波维奇风格的负荷管理,他有机会拿几个冠军的。[–]KnicksBaldSportsFan 131 points 15 hours agoJeeez he bodied Ben Wallace in that clip尼克斯球迷
:卧槽,这集锦里面姚明纯纯地碾着大本打啊 ![–]BullsDr_Disaster 83 points 11 hours agoPeople forget how strong he was. He had legs like tree trunks. Look at how many true 7ft centers he was just backing down like they were kids. Even Shaq has talked about how Yao’s strength took him by surprise. He could bully everyone, but Yao and maybe Duncan. I remember watching him block Shaq’s shots and it was like watching Superman bleed.公牛球迷 :大家都忘了姚明曾经有多壮了,他那两条腿粗壮得跟两颗大树似的 !看看当时有多少7尺大中锋,姚明背打他们,跟欺负幼儿园小朋友一样 。连奥尼尔也说过 ,姚明的力量之大出乎他的意料,奥尼尔可以碾压任何球员,但就是拿姚明没办法,或许还有邓肯 。我还记得当年看奥尼尔被姚明盖帽,有种超人终于被打出血了的即视感 。(姚明帽奥尼尔)[–]WarriorsLeBronda_Rousey 10 points 7 hours agoHuge Yao fan here. Yes, his legs were tree trunks and once he established position in the post, there was no moving him. However, teams eventually learned that his weakness was fronting him. In his own words, he was build like an upside down pyramid, referring to his weak upper body. When the other teams bigs fronted him, the passer would have to make a harder fadeaway pass and because he didnt have the upper body strength to hold the defender in front of him, those passes would risk being stolen. Obviously the Rockets adjusted by running more intricate plays to get him the ball down low but even if he had to post up higher on the block, his fadeaway was still absolute money.勇士球迷:我是姚明的真爱粉 !没错,当年姚明的两条腿就跟两颗大树一样,当他在内线要住了位置,你压根就推不动他
,他的体型像座上窄下宽的金字塔,意指他的上肢力量相对较弱。当对手的大个子绕前防守姚明时,外线的传球手不得不以高难度的“后仰投篮”式传球把球送到他手里,因为他的上肢力量顶不住身前的防守者 ,而那样的传球是很容易被抢断的。当然 ,火箭队也针对这个问题进行了调整 ,通过更加复杂的战术跑动,以把球送到低位的姚明手里 ,不过哪怕最终不得不在高位接球
,姚明的后仰投篮仍然可以杀人。(姚明的金字塔身材)[–]Warriorscheerioo 3 points 8 hours agoAl Harrington talking about guarding Yao is hilarious but i cant remember which podcast it was on (maybe more than one). Stephen Jackson always talks about how harrington had to take several days off to recover every time.勇士球迷:说到防守姚明
,艾尔-哈灵顿那个版本贼搞笑 ,我不记得是在哪个播客了(也许在好几个播客说过)。史蒂芬-杰克逊总是调侃当年哈灵顿防守姚明,每次和火箭队的比赛打完
,哈灵顿都不得不休息上好几天,不然人都缓不过来…(姚明隔扣邓肯)[–]RocketsSaltyLonghorn 164 points 17 hours agoI just hope the Wemby and Chets of the league learn a lesson from him and really dial back the year round play.At that size you really need the rest.火箭球迷
,千万不能一年到头不停地打比赛!以这样的体型打球 ,真的需要让身体休息![–]Rocketslolminna[S] 51 points 17 hours agoI think Wemby and Chet will have less problems because they weigh less than Yao. Yao not only played year-round, but also had foot problems because they couldnt handle all that muscle weight and rate of activity.火箭球迷:我觉得文班和霍姆格伦可能问题会小一点,他们的体重比姚明轻很多。姚明不仅全年不休
,而且因为不能承受那么大的肌肉重量和运动量,他脚部的隐患也很大。(姚明内线肉搏)[–]CavaliersTheTrollisStrong 35 points 12 hours ago*Theres no silver bullet. Typically you add weight to add durability. But when your that tall it puts a lot of stress on your feet.But when you are too skinny, you are prone to injury everywhere else.骑士球迷
:这个世上没有万全的办法 。增重是为了让自己的身体抗造
,但是当你的身高非常高的时候,这又会增加你脚部的压力 。而如果你太瘦了,你又很容易受伤…[–]RaptorsDrunkenMasterII 83 points 12 hours agoHe wasn’t just fucking tall, he was quick, he was strong and man he was skilled. Fuck injuries, this guy could’ve dominated the league in Shaq era… that’s how good he was.猛龙球迷:姚明不仅仅只是长得高而已,他移动快、强壮而且技术又好!但是伤病太操蛋啦!这家伙本来完全可以统治奥尼尔时期的联盟的
!他真的强得一逼!(姚明打奥尼尔,翻身跳投)[–][GSW] Adonal FoyleInvestmentGrift 60 points 13 hours agoYao Ming is so underrated imo....勇士球迷:在我看来,姚明被低估了…[–]76ersDarnellCashMooney 13 points 10 hours agohe has the 3rd highest FT% of any center ever. his shot was pure it just wouldve been preposterous for yao ming to take threes in 200476人球迷
:姚明的生涯罚球命中率在中锋位置上排在联盟历史第三 ,他篮子很准的,只不过在2004年 ,让姚明这个中锋投三分
,是件很荒唐的事情。[–]NBAKniGht1st 9 points 10 hours agoThey didnt need him at the perimeter back then, he was cooking the bigs in the post with 20ppg. His mid range and FT were lethal.球迷:当时他们也不需要姚明去外线,他在低位能随便蹂躏其他大个子,场均可以拿到20几分。而且他的中距离和罚球也相当致命
![–][NYK] Tracy McGradyyoloqueuesf 2 points 3 hours agoGood free throws, great little hookshot and he had a midrange shot that was amazing.尼克斯球迷:罚球好,有一手小勾手绝招
,而且还有中距离投篮能力,这也太妙了吧~~(姚明小勾手打加内特)[–]DrMungo80 24 points 15 hours agoHe probably could have added a 3 pt shot to his repertoire if he wanted to球迷
:如果他愿意,他还能开发出一手三分球呢~(08年北京奥运会对阵美国 ,姚明的那记开场三分球)[–]BullsDr_Disaster 17 points 11 hours agoNo doubt. He was a great shooter and you could see him knocking down 3s often in pre game warm ups.公牛球迷:毫无疑问 !姚明是个伟大的投手,每次赛前热身的时候,发现他经常能投进三分球的
。]Bullschitownbulls92 11 points 13 hours agoI will always take the time to plug the documentary of Yao and his translator and how they became friends. Its a wholesome watch公牛球迷 :我经常看一部关于姚明和他的翻译的纪录片
,讲述了他和他的翻译如何成为朋友,非常好看![–]haokincw 1 point 9 hours agoWhere can I watch it?球迷
?[–]Bullschitownbulls92 1 point 7 hours agoI believe it’s floating around on YouTube. If not i remember it’s called “the year of yao”公牛球迷
:我觉得油管上应该到处都能找到 ,这部纪录片叫《姚之年》 。《姚之年海报》[–]Jazzleevo 1 point an hour agoHim and Tmac man, just as good as Shaq and kobe, just without the health爵士球迷:姚麦组合…哎…当年实力和O.K.组合不相上下…可惜伤病啊…来源:Reddit编译
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